Uses of Interface

Packages that use INode

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.component

Subinterfaces of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.component
 interface IComponent
          Objects to be added to the registry need to implement this interface.

Classes in net.sf.panoptes.model.component that implement INode
 class Component
          Concrete IComponent that could be subclassed by Components.

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.model.component that return INode
 INode[] Component.getChildren()

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.jmx

Classes in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.jmx that implement INode
 class MBeanComponent
 Wraps an MBean and implements helper methods.
 class MBeanServerComponent
 Wraps a JMX server connector.

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.jmx that return INode
 INode[] MBeanServerComponent.getChildren()

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.log4j

Classes in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.log4j that implement INode
 class LoggerComponent
          Wraps a logger location.

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.registry

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.model.component.registry that return INode
 INode ComponentRegistry.getObjectInstance(ComponentName name)

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.node

Classes in net.sf.panoptes.model.node that implement INode
 class ComponentGroupNode
          Simple class for use in the treemodel when logical grouping is to be done.
 class ComponentNode
          Instances of this class are placeholders or "shortcuts" for other components.
 class ComponentQueryNode
          Represents a component query node which will list the query results as it's children.
 class RootNode
 Root of the management tree.

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.model.node that return INode
 INode[] INode.getChildren()
 INode[] ComponentQueryNode.getChildren()
 INode[] ComponentNode.getChildren()
 INode ComponentNode.dereference()
 INode[] ComponentGroupNode.getChildren()

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.model.node with parameters of type INode
 void ComponentGroupNode.addChild(INode child)

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.node.jmx

Classes in net.sf.panoptes.model.node.jmx that implement INode
 class DomainNode
 Node representing a JMX domain.

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.model.node.log4j

Classes in net.sf.panoptes.model.node.log4j that implement INode
 class LoggerRepository
 Controller class for all logger locations.

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.model.node.log4j that return INode
 INode[] LoggerRepository.getChildren()

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.view

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.view with parameters of type INode
 void MainWindow.refresh(INode component)

Uses of INode in net.sf.panoptes.view.configurator

Methods in net.sf.panoptes.view.configurator with parameters of type INode
abstract  void NodeConfigurator.setNode(INode node)
 void LoggerPanel.setNode(INode configurable)
 void IntrospectorPanel.setNode(INode configurable)
 void DefaultConfigurator.setNode(INode node)

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